Check the facebook page!

If you prefer, you can also follow the Facebook page for this blog :)

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Games I've made

Hey guys, I decided to create this post that will list all the work I've done in regards to games and whatever else might be applied to the subject :P

I shall update this regularly as changes are made, both games from the past and the future will be here eventually.

So let's get started!

Sunday, 4 January 2015

To everyone reading this blog!

Hey everyone, since blogger makes it a bit harder to interact with people I decided to create a Facebook page for this blog :D

I shall be keeping the "big" articles here, and for more casual talk and whatnot there's facebook.

So if you ever had any questions about anything regarding computers, programming, making games, etc, then go on facebook and ask your question there! Via messages, comments, anything.

I feel like that would make it much more easy to manage, but don't let that stop you from commenting here if you want ;P